Help Documentation 〉Contacts 〉

View List and Group Statistics

You can view statistics for your lists and groups. The numbers are aggregated from the contacts that belong to the list or group. To view statistics:

  1. Select a list, group, or smart group
  2. In the inspector, switch to the group (or smart group) tab if it is not already selected

The following values are shown in the inspector:

  • Contacts: The number of contacts in the list or group, regardless of status (i.e. subscribed, unsubscribed, bounced, etc.)
  • Subscribed: The number of contacts that are subscribed (i.e. not unsubscribed, not bounced, not excluded)
  • Locations: The top geographic locations for contacts in the list or group, calculated as a percentage of the number of contacts. By default, the top countries are shown. Click on the Location label to choose Region or City instead.
  • Email Clients: The top email clients for contacts in the list or group, calculated as a percentage of the number of contacts. By default, the email client category is shown. Click on the Email Clients label to choose email client name instead.

The next group of values can be calculated over a period of time that you choose The default is "All Time":

  • Growth: This is calculated as 100 × (E - S)/E, where E is the number of subscribers at the end of the time period and S is the number of subscribers at the start of the time period. This value is not displayed if the time period is "All Time", or if the number of subscribers for a given date is not known.
  • Churn: This is calculated as 100 × (C/S), where C is the number of subscribers that churned (i.e. unsubscribed or hard bounced) during the time period, and S is the number of subscribers at the start of the time period. This value is not displayed if the time period is "All Time", if the number of subscribers for a given date is not known, or if the churn date for a subscriber is not known.
  • Retention: This is the opposite of churn (see above)
  • Open Rate: This is the average open rate for contacts in the list or group. Only contacts that have been sent at least one campaign are considered, and only campaigns that have tracking enabled.
  • Click Rate: This is the average click rate for contacts in the list or group. Only contacts that have been sent at least one campaign are considered, and only campaigns that have tracking enabled.
  • Engagement: This is a breakdown of how many contacts in the list or group are considered to be low, medium, or highly-engaged with your email campaigns. The engagement score takes into account number of campaigns sent, opens, and clicks. A contact's engagement score is undetermined until a certain number of campaigns have been sent.

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