Help Documentation 〉Contacts 〉

View Contact Activity and Timeline

You can use the inspector to get detailed information on the activity of your contacts, as well as a comprehensive timeline of interactions:


To show contact activity:

  1. Select a contact
  2. In the inspector, expand the Activity section


  • Created: The date the contact was created
  • Subscribed: The date the contact subscribed to your list. If the contact did not join your list via an email sign-up form, this value will be Never.
  • Unsubscribed: The date the contact unsubscribed
  • Last Sent: The date of the most recent campaign sent to this contact
  • Last Opened: The date the contact last opened an email
  • Last Clicked: The date the contact last clicked a link in an email
  • Sent: The number of campaigns sent to the contact
  • Bounced: The number of campaigns sent to the contact that bounced (hard or soft)
  • Opened: The number of campaigns the contact opened
  • Clicked: The number of campaigns the contact clicked
  • Open Rate: The number of campaigns the contact opened divided by the number of campaigns delivered (i.e. sent and did not bounce)
  • Click Rate: The number of campaigns the contact clicked divided by the number of campaigns delivered
  • Engagement: A score of Undetermined, Low, Medium, and High. Based on the number of campaigns sent, opened, and clicked. The engagement score is Undetermined until a certain number of campaigns have been sent.
  • Email Client: The last known email client that the contact used.
  • Location: The last known geographic location


To show the timeline:

  1. Select a contact
  2. In the inspector, expand the Timeline section

The Timeline shows a reverse-chronologically sorted list of contact-related events, including:

  • Joined list
  • Unsubscribed
  • Sent campaign
  • Scheduled to receive campaign
  • Reported spam complaint
  • Email bounced
  • Opened email
  • Clicked email
  • Updated contact information

For campaign-related events, double-click on any event to jump to the relevant portion of the campaign report.

Increase the width of the inspector to see thumbnails of the relevant campaigns and locations.

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