Help Documentation 〉Contacts 〉

Create a New Contact

To create a new contact:

  1. Select a list
  2. Click + in the toolbar
  3. Choose New Contact. A new contact is added to the list.
  4. Enter the email address (required) and any other optional properties (name, custom fields, etc.)

Properties of a Contact

Use the inspector to view and edit the properties of a contact, including:

  • Email Address: Required
  • Unsubscribed: If checked, this contact will be skipped when sending campaigns. You can check this box manually, but most often it will be checked for you automatically when someone unsubscribes.
  • Hard Bounced: If checked, this contact will be skipped when sending. You can check this box manually, but most often it will be checked for you automatically when email to this contact bounces back.
  • Excluded: If checked, this contact will be skipped when sending. You can check it manually.
  • First Name, Last Name, Company Name: Optional
  • Custom 1…30: Optional. If you need more custom fields click Show Inspector Options.
  • Groups: The groups that this contact is a member of. To add to a new group, click +. To remove from a group, select the group and press delete on your keyboard.
  • Notes: These are for your own use

Custom Fields

A contact's custom fields can be used to save any kind of data (customer ID numbers, zip codes, etc.). Custom fields can be used to:

The value of a custom field can be text or a multi-value. A multi-value is just a list of tags or labels. For example:

  • You might use a multi-value custom field to save a list of topics that a contact is interested in
  • You might use a multi-value custom field to save a contact's preference as to how often they want to be emailed (weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.)

You can search for contacts or create smart group rules based on what tags/labels are present in a multi-value custom field.

There are several ways to input or edit a multi-value custom field:

  • Click to place the cursor in a custom field in the inspector and choose Edit > Insert Multi-Value from the menu bar
  • Select one or more contacts and choose Edit > Edit Multi-Value from the menu bar
  • Multiple-choice form fields are imported into Direct Mail as multi-values
  • When importing contacts from a spreadsheet, you can import cells as multi-values

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